Fly Net Zero by 2050

Kenya Airways is exploring various ways of reducing our carbon footprint, such as fuel-efficient aircraft, adopting sustainable aviation fuels, optimizing flight operations, electrifying our ground equipment, and supporting carbon offsetting initiatives.

Pilots used Sustainable Aviation Fuel During the Sustainable Flight Challenge 2023.

Kenya Airways  participated in the second edition of the Sustainable Flight Challenge (TSFC), organised by SkyTeam. It is a friendly competition among SkyTeam member airlines. 



Kenya Airways (Kenya Airways) adheres to the Energy Act of Kenya and other applicable regulations. We recognize the importance of energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy adoption in mitigating environmental impact. We work with regulatory authorities, industry stakeholders, and the community to ensure compliance with energy regulations. 

At our hub, Jomo Kenyatta International Airport(JKIA)in Kenya, approximately 90% of our electricity is sourced from renewable sources. Although oil-based fuels are utilized to power our aircraft and a portion of our ground service equipment, vehicles, and other operational machinery, we acknowledge the significance of maximizing energy efficiency across our operations to manage our impact on non-renewable energy sources. By planning, monitoring, and optimization measures, we aim to minimize energy consumption and enhance efficiency.


The aviation industry accounts for roughly 2.5% of global carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions. When factoring in non-CO₂ impacts on climate, such as other greenhouse gases and pollutants, the sector's total contribution rises to about 3.5%.

Kenya Airways has begun exploring the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) for its flights as a step towards reducing carbon emissions associated with air travel. In addition, Kenya Airways is exploring alternative fuels for our ground services to reduce oil fuel-based emissions.
