Reducing our Operational Environmental Footprint

Our operations depend on a variety of natural resources. Aircraft manufacturing, in-flight operations, and related activities require a diverse range of minerals, metals, and food production resources. Additionally, water serves multiple purposes throughout our operations. Consequently, we generate various types of waste, including solid, liquid, and hazardous waste. Kenya Airways is committed to efficient management of natural resources and waste to safeguarding the environment for future generations.

Our commitment to efficient resource management extends beyond mere waste reduction; it includes the proactive creation of value from waste materials. At Kenya Airways, Kenya Airways is dedicated to transforming our operations into a model of resource efficiency and circularity. Through innovative practices and strategic initiatives, we aim to maximize the utilization of resources while minimizing waste generation. Instead of viewing waste as a liability, we see it as an opportunity to extract value.  



Kenya Airways prioritizes water conservation, pollution prevention, and access to clean water. Kenya Airways is committed to preserving water catchment areas by reducing the withdrawal of water from regions facing water stress. By minimizing our impact on these vulnerable ecosystems, we contribute to the conservation of natural habitats and the preservation of water sources for local communities and wildlife.

We uphold regulations for management of effluents to prevent water pollution. By responsibly managing our wastewater and runoff, we minimize our environmental footprint and protect water quality in surrounding ecosystems.

To ensure access to clean water for all internal stakeholders, Kenya Airways operates a filtration plant. This facility purifies water, removing contaminants and impurities to meet quality standards. By providing fresh and safe drinking water to our employees, passengers, and other stakeholders, we prioritize their health and well-being.

Kenya Airways is committed to continuous improvement and innovation in our water management practices. By investing in research, technology, and best practices, we seek to enhance the efficiency of our water filtration processes, minimize water usage, and further reduce the amount of water we withdraw from water stressed areas.


Kenya Airways is committed to minimizing our environmental footprint and the importance of responsible waste management in reducing the impact of our activities on the environment. Our commitment to sustainable waste management extends beyond regulatory compliance—it is an integral part of our corporate responsibility and dedication to environmental stewardship. Our approach to waste management focuses on reducing waste generation, increasing recycling rates, and promoting the reuse of materials wherever possible. 

We strive to minimize the use of single-use plastics and disposable items onboard our flights, opting instead for sustainable alternatives such as reusable products. Additionally, we segregate and properly dispose of waste according to local regulations and international standards. Furthermore, we continuously seek opportunities to innovate and collaborate with industry partners to develop and implement more sustainable waste management solutions. By investing in technology, education, and infrastructure, we aim to minimize our waste impact while maximizing resource efficiency.
