01 Sep 2023

Get to Know Gospel Music Artist

Let's talk about music. Firstly, do you have a stage name and what's the meaning behind it?  

Pesh GoG is my stage name. 

My name is Peninah and short for Peninah is Pesh. 

I am a born-again Christian; my identity is in Christ. I am a daughter and a girl of God thus the Abbreviation, GOG- Girl of God which makes up part of my stage name “Pesh GOG”. 

My Music is available on YouTube and Boom play as Pesh GoG.

Get to Know Gospel music artist | Peninah Njeri
  • What first got you into music? 

I have always loved Christian Music and I was involved in the church liturgy dance since I was a child. 

Growing up in my teenage years I realized I had new songs that had never been sung anywhere so my desire to record music started from there.  


  • How would you describe the music that you create?  

The Music I create is Christian Music. I am a Missionary doing mission through Praise and Worship, Preaching through Songs. 


  • What is your creative process like? 

The process has been Interesting and exciting as I never sit down and compose a song/song. 

Worship has always been my lifestyle and therefore anytime you find me alone driving, walking, exercising, in church, listening to music, I am always praying or humming to songs and in the midst a song drops in my Spirit. Therefore, I record all these songs in my phone and with time I listen to each and decide which ones I will produce first. 

I have also had 2 songs that the Lord has given me in a dream. These are songs I sang in the dream having an encounter with the Lord and when I wake up I back them up in my phone and when the time is right, I go to the studio and record. 


  • Is there an international artist whose work you admire and perhaps would like to collaborate with?  

Ooh yes, I look up to several artists and first of all to start with local ones such as Evelyn Wanjiru, and Guardian Angel Music just to mention a few. Internationally I look up to Essence of Worship, and chart-topping Kim Walker Smith, alongside Grammy award-winning Tasha Cobbs.  


  • Did you sing in the shower? And did you always want to put your music out there? 

Hahahaha, there is a specific sound that comes from the bathroom and I bet everyone loves the echo in it, even non-singers. So yeah, I did that. 

With new songs every now and then, I always desired to have my songs out there so that I would preach the best way I know how to this generation and the world. 


  • Where do you perform?  Do you have any upcoming shows? 

I have performed on television shows such as The Backyard Show and Discover Talent Show. I have also performed in fellow artists’ album launches and other charity and mission events such as children's homes, prisons. 

As of now I’m planning to perform at various events now that the festivities are around the corner. Look out for that on my social media channels!   


  • If you could change anything about the music industry, what would it be? 

Support from mainstream media and not just in Kenya but regionally. Firstly, Kenyan media should support our songs and play Kenya Music because there is great content, but you can’t hear it out unless you take a journey to YouTube and realize we have clean musical content and once the media supports clean content people will do clean content.  


  • What can your fans expect from you or your next project?   

I have so many songs in the lineup, expect more music and you will be sure to love it. Just follow Pesh GoG on YouTube and you won’t miss on the upcoming projects. 


  • What is one message you have for your fans? 

KQ has been my biggest fan base especially the technical department. Thank you so much for always supporting my music and this-At least there is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail. Its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant.” (Job 14:7-9) 

Just Know that there is hope for you and for this organization at large.  

Keep Believing, Keep trusting. 


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01 Sep 2023

Let's talk about music. Firstly, do you have a stage name and what's the meaning behind it?   Pesh GoG is my stage name.  My name is Peninah and short for Peninah is Pesh.  I am a born-again Christian; my identity is in Christ. I am a daughter and a girl of God thus the Abbreviation, GOG- Girl of God which makes up part of my stage name “Pesh GOG”.  My Music is available on YouTube and Boom play as Pesh GoG.

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