17 Aug 2023

Inspiring A Generation One Video At A Time | Interview With Youtuber Evalyne Nyambati

What inspired you to start your YouTube channel? 

I love to see people grow. In Africa we believe that somebody somewhere will do something. We wait for someone else to act. So, the idea here is personal leadership. How can I lead myself, what can I do to make my life better or grow? I was inspired to make everyone believe that they have what it takes to be their own saviour and to be the best that they can. 

Inspiring A Generation One Video At A Time | Interview With Youtuber Evalyne Nyambati

What's been the biggest challenge you've faced as a YouTuber? 

Growth is slower than expected. I’m very new to the platform so I’m still learning how to reach a wider audience. However, I’ve come to realize that my content is not as common so I’ve learnt that I should expect fewer people to go for that kind of content. 


What are your future goals for your channel? 

Of course, it’s to create more content and grow to other platforms as well. I’ve come to learn that most of my target audience are on LinkedIn, so I’m looking forward to sharing more on LinkedIn. I also look forward to having sittings with young people fresh from college and young professionals. 


What's something your viewers might be surprised to learn about you? 

Most of my viewers think I’m too professional but I think I’m very laid back. I also love kitchen gardening and planting trees. 


What's something you've always wanted to do on your channel, but haven't been able to yet? 

I love reading books, so I want to start a series of the book I’m currently reading, what I’m learning about it and how it relates to personal leadership. 


If you could only create one type of video for the rest of your YouTube career, what would it be? 

How to create a personal development plan. If you can hack how to do this you can hack anything under the sun. I could talk about that for the rest of my life and not get tired. 


How do you stay motivated and inspired to create content, especially during times when you might be feeling burnt out? 

It’s all about discipline. Sometimes you really don’t feel like doing it but if you’re disciplined you know whether you feel it or don’t, you have to do it. Also having a schedule and creating content in bulk help me stay consistent with creating content. 


What's the most surprising thing you've learned about yourself as a result of your YouTube journey? 

I’m very new to content creation on YouTube. Before I started my channel, I used to be camera shy but I discovered that I can actually do something if I put my heart into it. 


Finally, if you had to describe your YouTube channel in three words, what would they be? 

Motivation with a purpose. I motivate people with a purpose of ensuring that you can become someone great. 

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