08 Apr 2024

Talent Showcase: Moses Njeru

In this edition of our Talent Showcase series, we highlight the inspiring journey of Moses Njeru, a Load Controller in Ground Services with an unwavering passion for football. Moses discovered his love for the game at the tender age of 8, playing with handmade footballs and dreaming of greatness. Despite facing significant challenges, including a serious knee injury, Moses' dedication to football remains steadfast. Join us as we delve into his football background, training regimen, and the balance he maintains between his professional duties and his athletic pursuits.

Talent Showcase: Moses Njeru
  • Can you share about your football background and how you got started playing? 

My passion for football began when I was around 8 years. The Inspiration was derived from watching our senior men’s team playing. I started playing locally with my peers. By then acquiring a standard football was a tall order for young footballers hence we mostly trained using the handmade football. 


  • What position do you play on the field, and what do you enjoy most about that role? 

Centre back. I enjoy this role as it equips me with the abilities like, tactical knowledge, defensive strategies, physical conditioning, mental toughness, and leadership skills. You literally “leave you heart on the pitch” for the team. 


  • What does your typical training routine look like, and how do you maintain peak performance? 

Before Injury I trained twice a week on ball work but work outs and exercises are a daily routine. To maintain peak performance, I embrace a holistic approach that encompasses Mental Agility, Tactical Proficiency and Emotional Resilience. 


  • Football often requires resilience and perseverance. Can you discuss a challenging period in your career and how you overcame it? 

The most challenging period is when I Injured my Knee (ACL and Meniscus). I am still on the recovery journey which has not been easy. From surgery, to therapy and a few setbacks. I am overcoming it by taking Physical and Mental Health seriously. 


  • Can you share a memorable moment or achievement from your football career that you're particularly proud of? 

In 2013 debuting for a young team, we won the Embu North Tournament and on 13th March 2020, won 2-1 in the finals of the Sports Relief Challenge Tournament held in Nairobi. 


  • Have you had the opportunity to represent Kenya Airways in any football tournaments or leagues? 

No. Unfortunately, I got injured during training in the run up to the AMS Embraer Football Tournament and currently working on recovery/comeback. 


  • How do you stay motivated to continuously improve your football skills despite your demanding schedule? 

By striking a balance in life, personally and professionally. I keep a track of my to-do list, to help me stay on top of my commitments through prioritizing my workplace duties while still pursuing my hobbies and passions. 


  • Who are some footballers that you look up to, and why? 

1. Lionel Messi – From being diagnosed with dwarfism at age 9, to enduring growth hormone injections for 10 years to finally becoming arguably the best player to ever kick the ball. 

2. John Terry – He was commanding, strong, tenacious and a Leader at Centre Back and Chelsea at large. 

3. Didier Drogba – Apart from his exploits on the football field with Club and Country, he is recognized for his humanitarian and activism work. He has been a strong advocate for peace, stability, and development in Ivory Coast, and Africa as a whole. 


  • Lastly, what message would you like to share with your colleagues at Kenya Airways about the importance of pursuing hobbies and passions outside of work? 

Having hobbies and passions outside of work is not only enjoyable but also beneficial for your health, happiness, and productivity. It helps you in nurturing creativity, innovative thinking, reduce stress, improve mood, recharge, face new challenges, explore & express yourself, earn extra income, and create new opportunities. Balancing work with hobbies improves time management and overall productivity.

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