17 Aug 2023

Meet Car Mechanics Expert, Nicholas Kipkosgei Korir

Tell us about your love for engineering and how that transitioned from planes or cars? 

Engineering is an art, a science of how things work. I have always been curious about how things work and come into play. Engineering has provided me with countless solutions and keen insights into complex things. Planes are just like bigger cars that can fly which are both bound by basic engineering principles. 

Car Mechanics Expert, Nicholas Kipkosgei Korir

How do you juggle between your day job (training) and working on cars? 

I schedule offered jobs on weekends since I’m at the office from Monday to Friday. 


Tell us more about your garage studio. What's the most challenging repair you've ever done? 

It has to be working on a VW Toureg gearbox Pre-cooler which is not that easy to access. You’d be required to take apart the whole engine to change the precooler but since I have the manual, I found a way to do this without taking the engine apart.


What's the craziest thing you've ever found inside someone's car while fixing it? 

Found a spanner inside someone’s engine which was probably left from previous maintenance.  


What's your favorite tool to use when working on cars and why? 

A ratchet spanner. It is used to tighten and loosen nuts and bolts. When using it, you don’t have to constantly lift the ratchet off to turn it and this saves time. 


What's the coolest modification you've ever made to a car? 

Changing a gearbox from automatic to manual on a GTI Mark 4. 


If you could give one piece of advice to car owners to keep their cars in top shape, what would it be? 

Never skip car service, and be keen on preventative maintenance, it will save you in the long run. 


If you had to choose one car to represent your personality, which one would it be and why? 

VW Toureg because it is tough like I am. 

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17 Aug 2023

Tell us about your love for engineering and how that transitioned from planes or cars?  Engineering is an art, a science of how things work. I have always been curious about how things work and come into play. Engineering has provided me with countless solutions and keen insights into complex things. Planes are just like bigger cars that can fly which are both bound by basic engineering principles. 

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